

知的好奇心を持ったシニアにそれぞれの分野で高いスキルを持った 講師陣が、親切丁寧に講義をします。その後の懇親会では、是非新しい友達と出会って下さい。健康で長生きする秘訣を学んでみませんか。


Living life to its fullest and appreciating each moment is something we all often forget about.  Here in Kamakura, a city known for its ancient history of the Samurai as well as artisanal handcrafts and delicacies, we have created a place where people can gather and enjoy time, appreciate life, and share memorable experiences.


At Kazu Living Lifestyle Salon, we will invite different professionals and experts who specialize in a variety of topics and fields for our members to enjoy.  Seminars and classes offered will allow members to learn from these specialists while having the wonderful opportunity to communicate on a more personal and meaningful level. 


Our space is your space – and we hope to provide you the opportunity to meet new friends, learn some new ideas, and take away a feeling of wellness.   Life can be enjoyed after-all, at any age!



Looking for English-speaking cooking instructors to teach twice a week.  For more information please contact us at: (kazu---01270@outlook.com)